BASE Management Company is an investment management firm
specializing in actively managed equity portfolios. BASE attempts
to create real long run investment return by incurring risk economically
in pursuit of that return. BASE diversifies by concept as well as
by name without regard for any specific benchmark.
BASE provides investment supervisory services for US entities including
individuals as well as charitable organizations and corporations.
Investment supervisory service means that investment advice and
investment management is provided on a continuous basis and is provided
taking into account a client's individual circumstances and needs,
among other things. BASE provides these services in exchange for
fees based on the asset values involved.
BASE deals with its clients in a direct and personal manner at
a total cost that is comparable to that of no-load mutual funds.
BASE claims compliance with the Global Investment Performance Standards
(GIPS). The firm consists of all client assets of BASE that are
both discretionary and fee paying, plus assets under BASE's purview
that are proprietary, related and(or) non-discretionary. A list
and descriptions of BASE's composites appear on page 2 of this document,
and a presentation that adheres to the GIPS standards may be obtained
by calling 410-583-4828 to receive a password for the PDF.
Disclosures, 2020 ADV part 2
Customer Relationship Summary (CRS), 2020 ADV part 3
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